Use this menu to modify File Tracker's behavior when it notices that a volume (Hard disk, file server, etc.) containing a watched item is not available.
To cause File Tracker to display a small logo in the menu bar when it is scanning your disk, click here.
To cause File Tracker to notify you with a dialog box when errors or important events occur, click here.
To cause File Tracker NOT to notify you with a dialog box when errors or important events occur, click here.
To cause File Tracker to keep a log, click here.
To cause File Tracker NOT to keep a log, click here.
This is File Tracker's log file. Use the "Set" button to choose a different file.
This indicates File Tracker's log file.
Currently empty because the "Keep a log..." option is not checked.
To change File Tracker's log file, click here. The current file appears to the left of this button.
This button changes File Tracker's log file.
Not available becuse 'Keep a log...' option is not checked.
Use the up and down arrows to change the minimum period of user inactivity File Tracker will wait through before starting a scan.
This is the minimum period of user inactivity File Tracker will wait through before starting a scan.
Use the arrows and the units menu to change this value.
To change the amount of memory that File Tracker uses, click here.
If you use Attached Scripts or the Run Script action, File Tracker may need more memory than its default amount.
NOTE: You must restart for your changes to take effect.
To customize your copy of File Tracker, click here.
File Tracker is distributed as "shareware": it is freely distributed, but if you decide to keep and use this software, you must register it by sending in the registration form with a fee of $15 US.
To print a copy of File Tracker's registration form, click here.
To register File Tracker, fill out the registration form and mail it along with $15 US to the address indicated on the form.
To cause File Tracker NOT to display a small logo in the menu bar when it is scanning your disk, click here.
Click here to cause File Tracker to place a small image of an eye on the icon of watched folders.
Click here to cause File Tracker NOT to place a small image of an eye on the icon of watched folders.
Use this menu to change the units of the number displayed to the left of this menu.
Use this slider to change File Tracker's scan speed.
A faster scan speed means scans finish quicker, but your computer may be less responsive during a scan.
Use these arrows to change the interval after which File Tracker will dismiss alerts that appear on your screen.
File Tracker will dismiss any alert boxes it puts on your screen if the period of time displayed here passes without you dismissing the alert yourself.
Set this period to zero to prevent this behavior.
Use this menu to change the units of the number displayed to the left of this menu.